Excise Tax coming to Dubai, Consumables to get expensive

Dubai Expat Blog

Cost of Living, Living in Dubai

Consumables in Dubai will get expensive as the Excise Tax Law will come into effect from October 1st, 2017, across Dubai and other Emirates of the UAE.

Excise Tax coming to Dubai, Consumables to get expensive

The excise tax will be up to 100% for most items. The Tax shall impact all excise goods consumed inside the country, including all the country’s free zones and ports.


Commodities carried away out of the country by outbound travelers shall not be impacted by the tax, while those carried into the country shall be subject to the new law.


The official statements come on the heels of the issuance of the Federal Decree-Law No 7 of 2017, whereby the tax shall be imposed on the “Excise Goods”, which, along with the method of calculating the Excise Price, are subject to a decision by the UAE Cabinet, upon the recommendation of the Minister of Finance, provided that the tax rates do not exceed 200% of the Excise Price.


The Excise Tax, which in itself is an indirect type of taxation.


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