Emirates ID Card to replace Health Card

Dubai Expat Blog

Living in Dubai

As mentioned earlier, one of the potiential usage of Emirates ID Card, mentioned by EIDA, is that it can be used as Health Card.

However, those who have yet to get the ID Card can continue using existing Health Card.


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1 thought on “Emirates ID Card to replace Health Card”

  1. Sir/Madam

    we are Indian family of five plus one maid
    total 6 emirates IDs have been issued to us
    our two are given for renewal expecting soon
    we would like to change our residence address
    since we have shifted to new location at Bussiness bay
    Sh zahid road Dubai
    How to go about this i have given new address to three of our ID Cards
    and 3 more have to be changed….
    please advise soon as possible

    Madan Angolkar

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