Now you have to pay if your Taxi gets stuck in Dubai traffic

Dubai Expat Blog

Dubai Transport, Living in Dubai

It all started with a slow down in economy. Commuters, feeling the credit crunch, reduced their taxi usage. This severely hampered performance of taxi drivers, who unable to meet their daily targets started to offer shared trips. However, as they were still unable to meet daily targets and were pressurized by their management, most of them left their jobs, leaving RTA in a catch 22.

To make everyone (except taxi commuters) happy, RTA came up with few novel ideas. First it implemented a minimum fare of Dhs 10. Now, RTA announced that taxi commuters in Dubai have to pay extra for taking a taxi in congested areas of the city.

Now passengers traveling in a taxi in congested areas or in traffic jams will also pay 50 fils per minute in addition to the normal taxi fare. Earlier, first 10-minute waiting time was free.

Waiting time is charged if a taxi comes to a complete halt or move at less than 20 kilometres per hour in the traffic jam. Waiting time charges will start immediately after a passenger hires a taxi.


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