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Under Sea Cable Cut Can Disrupt Internet Services in Dubai

Under Sea Cable Cut Can Disrupt Internet Services in Dubai

Du has issued an statement saying that a cut in an underwater cable between Dubai and Oman could effect internet services in the UAE.

Gulf News reported that in a statement Tuesday, Du said that the cable was served at 7.45am on Monday and that operators were working to fix the problem.

Internet traffic was disrupted in UAE last year when an under sea cable was severed in the region.

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du Internet Service partially restored after under sea cable cuts

du Internet Service partially restored after under sea cable cutsDu internet service in UAE has partially restored as one of the two cable cuts has been restored while the second one might take weeks.

A cut in SMW3 cable has been restored while repairs for the other cable, i2i, may take take one or two weeks. The cause behind the cuts was not shared by the cable operators.

Du earlier informed its customers on the possible disruptions in internet services due to cable cuts.