dubai expat life

Cigarette Prices to double in Dubai

Dubai Cigarette PricesDubai government has decided to double cigarette prices in Dubai from August.

The government announced its plans to make smoking pricier last year in a bid to keep up with neighbour states whose cigarettes are more expensive.

Authorities say the move is part of a wider campaign to reduce cardiovascular diseases in the country, and minimise the number of young people buying cigarettes.

The increase will be form a tax applied by Dubai Municipality.

The UAE currently imposes a 100 per cent customs tax on all imported tobacco products, but the overall price of smoking is still low compared to other countries.

Tobacco products in the emirate are currently priced at an average AED 8 (US$2.2), but will increase to AED 16 as of this summer.

Doubling price of cigarettes in Dubai may make the smokers think twice before buying a pack. However, it can also promote black market of cigarettes – especially in the under-privileged areas of Dubai.